GazeDrivers functions
Provides a smooth ride where direction can be changed while the wheelchair is in motion. Not suitable for beginners.
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Tablet control
You can use your eyes as a mouse, GazeDriver places the cursor where you look on your tablet and then sends a click.
Suitable for communication, YouTube etc.
User-friendly learning
The functions of GazeDriver can be turned on as the user gains experience. It makes it easy to just get started driving.
Suggested order:
- Simple driving
- Tablet function
- Wheelchair settings
- Driving
- Adjusting GazeDriver's response times
Auto standby
GazeDriver automatically goes into standby after a short time. In Standby you cannot activate driving, but you can switch between functions.
You can put GazeDriver on standby yourself or take it out of standby with a single glance.
Simplified driving
The wheelchair stops between course changes, suitable for beginners.
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Wheelchair settings
You can set all available wheelchair settings with GazeDriver. For example speed, seat settings and what else is available on your wheelchair.
GazeDriver cannot register what your settings are in the wheelchair, so it is only recommended for users who have some experience with GazeDriver.
GazeDriver has an extensive customization menu to ensure it works perfectly for you:
- Advanced driving on/off
- Tablet function on/off
- Wheelchair Settings on/off
- Auto standby time
- Reaction time (dwell time) on all eye inputs - can be set for the individual functions
- Register both eyes, or only right/left
Visual configuration
You can see all setup options and your inputs in real time with a phone or tablet.
When you press the setup button, you can then open the Wi-Fi network 'GazeDriver' with your phone or tablet. You will then be presented with the setup page.
About eye-tracking
What is eye-tracking?
Eyetracking is a process where you either measure the place you are looking at or the movement of the eyes relative to the head. An eye tracker is the machine used to measure the position and movement of the eye. Eyetracking is mostly used for research into, for example, usability, but has also found its way into gaming and aids such as GazeDriver.
Screen versus no screen
Screen-based mobility has another challenge. When you look at a screen, your peripheral vision is limited to the screen. Peripheral vision gives us a perception of something before we focus on it, something that is outside of our focused gaze. But you don't have that peripheral vision available when you're using a screen for driving. In order to orientate yourself in the room, you will therefore have to look up and away from the screen, and thus the wheelchair comes to a standstill. With GazeDriver, the user has his entire vision available – both focused and peripheral – and can orientate himself in space without interrupting driving. Obstacles are detected and passed along the way without interruption.
With screen-based solutions, you see a 2-dimensional filmed version of the world. With GazeDriver you see reality.
King Midas and eye-tracking
Traditional eye control is characterized by the user looking at a screen and the eye tracker simultaneously registering where you are looking on the screen. After an appropriate latency, a click is performed on what you are viewing. This technology is great for communication, entertainment, surfing and whatever else you use computers for.
Mobility with eye control is a completely different world. First and foremost because eye control suffers from a so-called Midas touch syndrome. King Midas, who is a part of Greek mythology, wanted so passionately that everything he touched turned to gold. It was his final, however, because not only his whole family, but also all his food turned to gold. So Midas died of starvation.
Mobility with eye control has had the same problem as King Midas, namely that everything you look at is activated. With such technology on a wheelchair, it will mean that if you look at a car in traffic, you will drive straight towards it. It is dangerous! That was until Eyemind developed GazeDriver. GazeDriver can only drive where you want to drive. Just like joystick control.