Apps and links for use of GazeDriver

Below you'll find our own apps and links, including apps for calibrating GazeDriver, as well as recommended apps from other companies for use with your tablet alongside GazeDriver.

GazeDriver's own apps and links


Download calibration app for PC:
Download the file and unpack it for your PC
Use the file GazeDriver.exe to start the app



Download GazeDriver datasheet here:

External apps and links

Apps we recommend for tablet and communication

When using your GazeDriver for eye control on a tablet, it's smart to have some supporting apps to achieve maximum accessibility and get the most out of your tablet.

Below, we have linked to various apps that we have tested ourselves and found to work well with GazeDriver.


Avaz, a fully supportive text-to-speech app, which is a great addition to GazeDriver's tablet function – available on Google Play.


EasyScrollnother great addition. The app is for scrolling up and down using arrows - Available on Google Play.


After you have downloaded apps related to GazeDriver:

When you have downloaded our associated apps for using GazeDriver, you will find our user manual and video instructions here: